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An aquifer is a porous rock or sediment layer filled with groundwater. This groundwater originates from precipitation that filters through the soil. Wells are drilled into aquifers to access this water. Depending on the surrounding land use, contaminants such as animal manure, pesticides, and herbicides from nearby farms can infiltrate the aquifer, even if they're located miles away. Similarly, factories in the vicinity may leach hazardous heavy metals and other pollutants into the groundwater. Additionally, various bacteria inhabit well water, further emphasizing the importance of water quality testing and filtration.


​"I have well water.
I don't need a water filter."


Wells typically contain:



  • Bacteria

  • Pesticides

  • Herbicides

  • Heavy Metals

  • Arsenic

  • Mercury

  • Cadmium

  • Sulfur

  • Lead

  • Iron

  • Magnesium 

  • Silica

  • Uranium

  • Calcium

  • Nitrates

  • Fluoride

  • Glyphosate (round up)

  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Test your well water

We highly recommend you test your well water annually. Contaminants can vary, and since wells tap into aquifers that collect groundwater, they're susceptible to changes. Contrary to popular belief, wells harbor many harmful contaminants such as heavy metals, bacteria, and pesticides. 

*We recommend the "advanced well water" test.

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